Monday 19 December 2016

"Maximum National Security Is Ensured " - President Koroma

President Koroma Assures of Maximum National Security

His Excellency the President Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma has assured during the occasion of the State Opening of the Fifth Session of the fourth Parliament, everyone of maximum National Security.

He gave this assurance at a time when it appears as though thuggery, spontaneous stabbings and killings by cliques, and inundated threats from terrorists, are fast becoming matters of grave concern to Sierra Leone’s security.

“The capacity of our security sector is being strengthened to meet traditional and emerging threats to the stability of our nation. The Office of National Security has developed a Counter-Terrorism Strategy which is being implemented. We have developed an Elections Security Strategy to ensure a conducive atmosphere for free, fair and peaceful Elections.”

In September this year, Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of Police- Al Sheik Kamara, while delivering a speech during the validation of a draft bill on the Counter- Terrorism Legislation, described the country’s growing menace of cliques and gangs to have become so ingrained in the psyche of segments of youths that it is now as usual and normal to perpetrate such terrorism. AIG Al- Sheik insisted that terrorism is the business of everybody in the security sector of the country.

At the same programme, the Minister of Justice—Joseph Kamara, revealed that terrorism is not too far away. “The increasing number of cliques especially those in the Western Area are all signposts of terrorism. It is high time we sit and try to reconfigure our strategies of handling security matters.”

The Minister underscored that the battle against terrorism can never be won in a battle field, adding that “we have to come up with constructive engagement.”

Continuing his calculated and sound speech, President Koroma said his government has designed a National Flood Response Plan defining a clear coordination road map for all stakeholders to comprehensively respond to floods and their attendant emergencies.

He also disclosed his government has tutored and trained 60 personnel from various MDAs under the West Africa Disaster Preparedness Initiative in Ghana, during the early periods of this year.

On the issue of fire disasters, the President said: “We have also commissioned additional fire engines to boost the operations of the National Fire Force and have developed a draft fire safety law which we shall soon table before this Honourable House.”

He also asserted his government is building the capacity of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces (RSLAF) by enhancing training of officers of both within and outside the country, adding they have rehabilitated the Daru referral hospital at Moa Barracks and constructed accommodation for doctors and nurses.

“We have provided funding for the recruitment of police officers to fill the gaps created by attrition in the police force. The Police Academy project is also on course and the constitutional instrument for the legal basis of peacekeeping and law enforcement will soon be laid before this Honourable House for ratification.”

©Awareness Times Newspaper

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