Tuesday 22 November 2016

A Master's Degree Holder Stands On the Street With Placard In Hand Seeking For A Jo

A guy in Kenya who is  a  graduate of Economics and Statistics stands on the street with placard in hand asking to be employed.  This happened some days after a lady was given a job when she was spotted in one of Kenya's street seeking a job. The man was and employee at two different firms,  where he worked as 

a sales representative.  He was later sacked on the claims of redundancy. After this unfortunate  incident, he  acquired  a Master's degree in Project Planning and Management  t the university of  Nairobi , this time hoping to  get the best offers in term of jobs which never happened.  The gentle man whose name is Elijah Yegon has joined others in taking to the streets to advertise his skills and expertise.  The 29 year old in an interview with Nairobi Times says he has sent out approximately 500 applications  online and hard copies with virtually no feedback.
Some of us can relate with him,  after spending years at the University, you graduate with no job offers. 

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