Tuesday 6 December 2016

Robin Ström, a firefighter, turned what would have been an ordinary helicopter landing, into one of the most romantic proposals this year.

As Klara Rizell, Ström's girlfriend, made to land the helicopter she was piloting, she had no idea that her boyfriend had enlisted the help of some insiders to propose to her in the same airport where the couple first met. 
Going down on one knee, Ström popped the question through the air control radio, saying to Klara who was several feet high in the air;
 "You are not allowed to answer on the radio. Where you choose to land will be your final answer. Klara Rizell, will you marry me?"
The pilot was to land inside the area with the love symbol for "yes" and the smaller gray landing area for "no". The love-struck firefighter joked that he intentionally made the landing area for a "no" answer very small to avoid the possibility of that.
Watch the video to hear the excitement in Kizell's voice as she lands the helicopter, below...

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