Tuesday 18 October 2016


The Pay No Bribe (PNB) Reporting Platform was unveiled on Monday 26th September. The Platform is an innovative reporting system where citizens can anonymously report incidents of petty corruption and bribery.  Read More
Launching the PNB Reporting Platform, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Hon. Joseph Fitzgerald Kamara said the challenge of bribery is a threat to Sierra Leone’s peace and security. He demonstrated how the cost of bribery, if not addressed will continue to lead to catastrophe in the health, education and law enforcement sectors. He said the PNB will improve on the country’s transparency indices and improve public confidence in the fight against corruption. He emphasized Government’s commitment in the fight against corruption.
Ady Macauley Commissioner of the ACC said bribery and corruption are major impediments to development in Sierra Leone and the Platform will help in combating bribery. Commissioner Macauley stressed that the platform allows citizens to anonymously record incidents in key areas such as health, water and sanitation, education, police and energy. He said data from the Reporting Platform will allow stakeholders to access public sector corruption trends, and use quantitative evidence to design more effectively anti-corruption policies and processes. The PNB is not a system for investigating people but rather a tool that allows the ACC to collect and share data and trends with relevant ministries, departments and agencies which will use the data to address corruption through administrative action or policy reforms.
Sally Taylor speaking on behalf of The Department for International Development (DFID) expressed her Government’s commitment to the fight against corruption. Ms. Taylor stated that anti bribery initiative and actions are very important for the development of Sierra Leone. She praised Coffey International for their technical support to the CC and also called on Sierra Leoneans to make use of the platform.
The Executive Director, Campaign for Good Governance(CGG), Valnora Edwin expressed thanks to DFID for the financial support given to the government of Sierra Leone for the PNB project.


Gloriousjoy said...

Wow that's really brilliant, we must say no to bribery

Gloriousjoy said...

Wow that's really brilliant, we must say no to bribery