Wednesday, 19 October 2016

SIERRA LEONE :NRA Promise to meet Le 2.71 Trillion This Year

Corporate Affairs Manager Mohamed Bangura

Mohamed Bangura who is serving as the Corporate Affairs Manager at the National Revenue Authority,says they are very hopeful of meeting their set target at the end of the year. This target according to the Manager has been reviewed three times this year. He noted Government’s recent proclamation that all businesses owing arrears to government should pay same within thirty (30) days from the proclamation “will definitely help us to meet our target.” He stated.
He explained that at the beginning of the year, their target was set at Le2.4 trillion and that in March because of the 3.3% growth of the economy due to the projected upward trend in the price of Iron Ore by the World Bank; the NRA target was again reviewed upwards at Le2.67 trillion.

 Edited from Awoko Newspaper

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