Thursday 20 October 2016

Russia On The Move With 'Operation Sea Fist'

Russian pilots  conducted flight operations from the deck of the Admiral Kuznetsov carrier, pictured yesterday belching smoke, with the nuclear-powered Peter the Great guided missile cruiser shadowing in the background 

The Russian aircraft carrier fleet has abandoned its flight training mission 
and moved into the North Sea, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed. 

The eight-strong flotilla, led by the Admiral Kuzentsov, is been tracked by the HMS Richmond and several NATO vessels. The Russian media has dubbed the mission 'Operation Sea Fist'. 
A MOD spokesman said: 'It is pretty unambiguous that they have set a course to pass through the Dover Strait.' 
Vladimir Putin has already tried to divide the Royal Navy's efforts to track his fleet by recalling two corvettes from the Mediterranean forcing the HMS Dragon to head south from Portsmouth to intercept. 
It is understood there is also a Dutch submarine operating south of the English Channel.

Prime Minister Theresa May condemned the Russian decision to deploy the aircraft carrier. 
Speaking upon her arrival in Brussels at her first EU summit since becoming Prime Minister, she said: 'After we’ve left it’s in the interests of both the UK and the EU that we continue to work closely together, including at this summit.
'We must show that robust and united European stance in the face of Russian aggression.
'The UK has put Russian actions in Syria on the agenda for this summit; we must continue to work together and it’s vital that we work together to continue to put pressure on Russia to stop its appalling atrocities, its sickening atrocities in Syria.'

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